Occupational safety and healths
For TIAB, employees are the core of the organization and the most valuable asset of the Company, and the occupational health and safety of our employees is a permanent concern.
Our goal in this field is ZERO ACCIDENTS!
To achieve this goal. it is absolutely essential to work together, and in this sense we encourage employees to notice, warn and evaluate the existing risks in carrying out the activity and to have the courage to decide what protective measures should be taken.
TIAB’s commitment to occupational safety and health
Our commitment to health, safety and security in the workplace also involves close monitoring of the indicators of our business units in the field of Safety, as well as a policy that allows us to raise awareness of each employee through training programmes and communication campaigns.
Every day, the awareness of each employee is essential to prevent accidents at work.
Also, our goal – Zero Accidents – has given rise to several action plans as well as annual events dedicated to Occupational Health and Safety.
An annual event dedicated to Occupational Health and Safety
In order to raise awareness among all employees, to encourage debates and discussions on this topic, TIAB organizes annually the “Safety Week”. During a week, all employees, from all business units, meet to discuss together topics of common interest.
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Training and development